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The international smash hit coming to Australia in 2025
“A Girl’s Guide to World War” is based on the true story of Australia’s own Dr Agnes Bennett.
The Traveling Wilburys - There’s never been a group, let alone a supergroup, in rock history quite like it!
Known for their sizzling takes on well-known Jazz classics such as ’The Summer Knows’, 'Come Rain or Come Shine', and 'My Favourite Things’, this performance is bound to have you grooving in your seat
The Essence of Australia - Cobblestone
LIVE NATION presents EMMA MEMMA - Dance Island Party
Good Morning Vietnam – Music from the Vietnam War Era delivers the soundtrack to one of the most divisive conflicts.
The Witches is a stage adaptation of the 1983 children's novel by British author Roald Dahl.
Entertaining crowds of 10,000 or more in countries like England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and throughout the continental United States. Dion wholeheartedly attributes it to “humbleness.”
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