Whole Venue Closure - AJ2025 Event

Whole Venue Closure from 10am - Saturday 30 November 2024 re-opening at 10am - Saturday 1st February 2025. There will be strictly no entry to the venue during this period unless approved by MSEP.

A pop-up exhibition at Gatakers Creative Space showcasing recent works that rise from observations and intimations about place and planetary well-being.

They follow Henry's guiding interests, namely the aesthetics of visual form and the expression of the real in abstraction. 

While In its materiality and methodology “Breath Moratorium” is Post Contemporary, it is also Modernist in as much as it expreses the tension between spontaneity and control.

The exhibition comprises low-relief ‘paintings’ on board, selected small-scale sculptures and video works. The media used include fine-art media as well as common construction material and utilitarian ready-made found objects.

Drop into the Creative Space during business hours.

We are open:

  • Tuesday to Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Weekends 9.30am - 2pm
  • Closed Mondays

Image: Wilhelmus Breikers, 'Evisceration of Amenity' Mixed media. 

About the artist

Born in Holland, Wilhelmus Breikers arrived in Australia at the age of 7, completing a visual art degree in Brisbane in his early twenties. A long-term resident of Hervey Bay, Wilhelmus has continued to develop his art practice and has been keenly involved in the cultural life of the Fraser Coast community.